Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An overdue update

We've been doing pretty well lately. Kayla is feeling like herself again.

We took her to Scottish Rite (a children's hospital) to have tests done and found out she does have kidney reflux. It turns out she has Grade IV-V which is pretty bad, but it turns out she has two ureters (tubes) going from her right kidney to her bladder. She should only have one so the extra tube is not functioning properly and is allowing urine to back up into her kidney and cause infections. She's on a low dose antibiotic to keep her urine sterile until we can get her scheduled for surgery. I don't know much about how they'll do the surgery but we have an appt. on 5/20 with a pediatric urologist to find out more. As long as we keep giving her the medicine, she should be fine.

Here's a picture of us at Scottish Rite after the tests were done. She did so well during her tests. The first one was an ultrasound so she just had to be relatively still - which she was. The second test is called a VCUG. They put a catheter up to her bladder and injected a dye first. Then they filled her bladder so she would be forced to go potty and they could see where the dye was going to see if she had reflux. She didn't cry at all when they put the catheter in and the nurses said that was the hardest part. She got a little fussy halfway through because she wanted to move around but she was so good! It was great to have Cary's Mom along for help during the tests. The nurses loved her and gave her the balloon which is still inflated at our house and she really likes it.

The following weekend, Kayla's Mimi came for a visit. My Mom got up with her both nights she was here and watched her while we went to dinner. It was great to have her here and she and Kayla had fun together. My Mom sees lots of similarities between Kayla and me when I was a baby - in looks and personality.

Kayla had her 6 month well-baby visit and she's growing like crazy. She's 27" long and a couple ounces shy of 19 lbs. She's wearing 12 month clothes already! Dr. Huque said we can give her solid foods several times a day and she's doing great at eating from her spoon. She likes everything I've given her so far, but seems to like veggies better than fruits. In the next three months she should be sitting up all by herself, crawling, and pulling herself up to a standing position while holding on to something. She's really rolling all over the place and is pretty close to crawling these days. Time to baby proof the house!

We took a trip to Birmingham this past weekend for a family get together. Here is Kayla playing with her Aunt Gigi (Jennifer).

And finally, here is a picture of Kayla and Cary after church one day:

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