We had a pretty exciting weekend. Kayla's uncle Adam graduated from highschool on Sunday. Prior to that we had a party at Dad and Donna's house. Everyone enjoyed seeing Kayla sitting up and smiling and playing. She actually did pretty good for most of the graduation ceremony, but Cary had to take her out during the commencement speech. Good thing there were only 25 graduates to sit through (for her sake). I think she thought everyone was clapping for her. Here's the graduate, Kayla, and I ready to celebrate!

On our day off from work we went out on our lake in Cary's Dad's new boat with Kayla, Cary, Adam, Dad, Donna, and even Cash came along. We had a great time soaking up the sun, swimming, and playing fetch with Cash.

We also went to a pool party later in the day. Here's Kayla having fun with Mya - her friend that's a week younger and then Kayla enjoying the pool.

Kayla is teething like crazy. She has 6 teeth coming in at once! 2 on the bottom and 4 on the top. She's been a little cranky due to that but is otherwise happy and healthy.
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