Thursday, October 30, 2008


The weather forecast looks great for Saturday!

I hope we have a wonderful day. I can't wait to watch Kayla eat her cake - I know she will enjoy it immensely because she is such a little piggie!

I can't believe my girl is turning 1 tomorrow!!!

Last night she woke up crying and she wouldn't stop so I brought her down to sleep in our bed. She was just like a little newborn, curled up on me and it was so precious.

Can't wait to see everyone on Saturday!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Update from the Dr.

Cary, Kayla, and I went to Scottish Rite yesterday for Kayla's one year follow up tests for her reflux.

She had to get an ultrasound and a VCUG. She never likes having to hold still and this time she was more upset than at 6 months. We got through it though.

The Dr. told us she still has reflux on the right side - no improvement. She now also has a little bit on the left side but he says this is no uncommon.

He has recommended that Kayla get the endoscopic procedure called Deflux done on November 10th. Some very informative info can be found on this website: Deflux

We've decided to do it. She will have to be under general anesthesia which may be the most unpleasant part because she cannot eat or drink the morning of her surgery.

The success rate is 80-90% with a few rare risks. If it doesn't work the first time, we will try a second time. If that is unsuccessful she will likely have an open surgery.

I am very hopeful that this will correct the problem - if all goes well she can be taken off of the antibiotic that she now takes daily and should not have to worry about it anymore!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Major Events!

I am eagerly anticipating Kayla's first birthday on 10/31, her party on 11/1, and dressing her up for Trick or Treating. We have two costumes: a pink giraffe and a cheerleader.

On October 21st we take Kayla back to Scottish Rite for her one year check-up of her urinary reflux. She'll have to have a few tests similar to what she did back in April and then we'll head over to the pediatric urologist to get his opinion on whether or not she is getting better and if she will need to have any sort of procedure to fix her problem.

I've been giving her some whole milk to see how she does with it. She drinks it just fine! I know some babies are picky when they are used to their formula but Kayla has been picky about absolutely nothing!

She is not walking yet but is so close. She is taking up to 10 steps on her own but she seems like she is trying to run, not walk!

She also has a molar coming in on the bottom right.

Here are a few recent photos:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trip to Maryland #2

We left early Thursday morning for our flight to Maryland.

Kayla did great for most of the trip - a little fussy near the end of the flight because she was so tired, but she drifted of to sleep after a bottle. The nearby passengers said she did really well. Huge sigh of relief for us because I know how stressful it can be to be in close quarters with a screaming baby. Luckily she was really good!

The weather was cold and drizzly but our first stop was to my Mom's corporate headquarters. She works for Marriott. Her office is huge and we were able to introduce her to some of Mom's coworkers and eat lunch in the cafeteria.

Friday we took a drive to my old daycare in Beltsville. The same people are still running it and I was able to introduce Ms. Annabelle to Kayla. I have such fond memories of that place.

Saturday we had breakfast with my Aunt Maggie and Uncle John. Kayla was being hand fed muffins like she was a queen and she had a blast exploring Aunt Maggie's house and playing with her jewelry. They were great hosts.

Saturday night we celebrated an early birthday for me. My aunt, grandparents, cousin and her fiancee were there, along with my Mom, Parnie, and Cary. We had a delicious meal of lasagna and I think we had three cakes and ice cream for dessert. Yummy!

The flight back on Sunday morning went just fine and we were back in sunny GA!

Had a great trip and so happy Kayla got to see her family.

Kayla found these two hand clappers and had so much fun playing.

Kayla and her Great-Grandma Patricia Sisler.

And a new favorite picture.