Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Upcoming Surgery

After meeting with Dr. Kirsch and doing the VCUG test, we found out Kayla's treatment did work again. We weren't shocked or even that disappointed, maybe we just weren't getting our hopes up about it. Regardless, she is scheduled for surgery on 3/18/09 at Egleston in Atlanta.

Most children go home the next day and we will have a few days of recovery at home. From what I've read the surgery takes 2-3 hours and Kayla should wake up without pain (although I'm sure very upset and confused like she was after her other treatment). She will have an epidural block at first and a catheter. Once those are removed we should be able to treat any pain with Tylenol and her stitches in the incision on her belly should dissolve in a few days. Then 6 weeks later another VCUG to see if the surgery was successful. This particular surgery will try to reimplant her ureters but it is done without having to cut into the bladder. If it doesn't work this time they can try it again by cutting into the bladder. So this may not be the end of the road for us as far as surgeries go.

I just hope Kayla can be somewhat comfortable at the hospital and that she heals quickly.

Obviously we hope the surgery will be successful! We are confident that God will do what is best.

We love our little girl!

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