Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sick :(

What a week! We have all been sick and are now hopefully on the mend. I think we all had some version of stomach flu. Most of our immediate family in GA got sick with it too. This was one bad virus. Needless to say, not many pictures were taken.

Kayla is returning to her normal self. I spent 4 days away from her because I was either sick in bed or someone else was taking care of her-thank you to those who did :)

I can't believe she is creeping into the 5 month old age. It seems like we've just always had her around, but at the same time it also seems like just yesterday that she came into the world.

She is really reaching and grabbing and has finally rolled from her back to her tummy. She loves to grab at her feet too.

Hopefully new pictures up soon!

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