Wow, I really let time get away from me! We are alive and well and Kayla is almost 3! I cannot believe how time flies. I have to say the older she gets, the more I enjoy her and am amazed by her personality. She is a little ball of energy, excitement, and curiosity, and silliness.
I will try and recap some summer highlights:
-Kayla stayed for a week at Nana Shu's while I went on a mission trip to Honduras. She did great!
-Kayla made a few trips to the pool and really enjoys swimming like a big girl with her arm swimmies on
-She is completely potty trained! She has an accident once in a blue moon at night but I am so proud of her!!!
-We took a trip to Mimi's in August and visited the fair
A major change we have undergone is that Kayla is in preschool three days a week. She goes to Chapel Hill Christian School and so far I am very pleased. She adjusted pretty well and I think the interaction with kids and new activities has really helped to stretch her and help her mature. She learns little songs and is so proud when she gets to carry her backpack!
We still go on walks in her stroller but she is getting almost big enough to walk alone :( I get a little sad when I think about the big girl she will become and eventually long for complete independence. It's a great reminder to enjoy what time I have with her.
Here are a few summer pictures:
Kayla "milking a cow" at the fair in MD.