We had a Dora fiesta so for lunch we had chili, hot dogs, and chips and dip. We had a cookie cake for Kayla's cake and she really enjoyed us singing to her. We let her open presents and she loved each and every one. Finally we did a pinata and the kids loved that too.
Kayla's all ready for her Dora party!

Here we are singing Happy Birthday to Kayla - so sweet!

Because Kayla's birthday is on Halloween, she had a really busy day! Kayla is sitting in her new reading chair and reading her new Dora book (both birthday presents) and dressed up in her Halloween costume. She made a beautiful Minnie Mouse and had a blast trick or treating. She tried to go inside people's houses when they opened the door.

We had a 2 year check up for Kayla on 11/3. She is 36 inches tall and 30 pounds. The Dr. gave a mostly good report, but has referred us to a cardiologist to have a heart murmur that he heard investigated. Many people that I have spoken with say it is probably innocent. This appointment is 12/2.
Some of Kayla's funny sayings:
She says "I need want some....water, milk, etc." She says need and want.
If she doesn't want to eat something she says "No please" instead of No thank you.